Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Smackdown Low Down For 4 03 09

Pre Show Thoughts/Events

This is the final show before WrestleMania XXV! Wow � it�s FINALLY here!

Maryse & Michelle McCool vs. Gail Kim & Maria:

Gail Kim quickly comes in, ducks a clothesline, and clotheslines Maryse down! She hits another clothesline and forces Maryse into the corner, hitting a kind of forearm on her face! Kim whips her into the corner hard and hits a jumping corner clothesline! Kim has a whip into the opposite corner reversed on her but she counters by jumping to the second rope and flipping into a cross body, which she releases at the two count when she sees Michelle McCool coming in! Kim simply dropkicks her out of the ring! Kim turns into a kick to the midsection from Maryse. Maryse attempts an Irish whip but Kim counters by twisting her arm, putting her boot in Maryse�s face, and falling on her back in an impressive move! Gail Kim then picks her up, hits her Double Arm Neckbreaker, and pins the Diva�s Champion! Gail Kim performed well in this one!

Winners by Pinfall: Gail Kim & Maria

Some nice DIVA action to start off Smackdown! I was REALLY impressed with this match as the DIVA division has been very bland and yuck lately, and they showed me they can put on a good match with this contest.

Match Rating: *******7/10

WWE United States Championship Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP (c):

MVP blocks a punch from Benjamin and delivers some punches of his own! The last punch sends Benjamin staggering back and he bounces off the ropes into a clothesline! Benjamin quickly gets up and eats a back elbow. MVP then gets him up and whips him into the ropes, hitting Benjamin with a powerslam! MVP taunts to the crowd and then goes for a whip, which Benjamin counters by twisting through and kicking him in the midsection! Benjamin charges and gets hit with a throat thrust followed by MVP�s knee to face buster! MVP gets the crowd into it and hits his BALLIN� Elbow for a two and a half count!! MVP whips Benjamin into the ropes but Benjamin ducks the clothesline and goes for a kick but MVP blocks that and Benjamin counters with a Dragon Kick for a two and a half count! Benjamin whips MVP into the ropes but MVP hangs on to them to stop the momentum! Benjamin charges and MVP back bodies him out of the ring � or so he thinks. Benjamin lands on the apron, unbeknownst to MVP and goes to the top rope and hits an AMAZING Blockbuster (or flying neckbreaker for you new fans) but this only gets him a two and a half count!! Benjamin gets MVP up and has a whip into the corner reversed on him but he�s able to springboard over a charging MVP�s head but gets hit with a big boot immediately after! MVP then hits the Playmaker to end the match and retain his United States Championship!!

Winner & STILL United States Champion: MVP

This was a great match but seven minutes isn�t enough for these guys. They should�ve given them a commercial break to let the match build a bit more � if they�re going to do a whole recap show they should at least throw in some good, long matches when they can!

Match Rating: *****5/10

Jeff Hardy vs. Ezekiel Jackson:

Jackson forcibly rips Hardy off the mat and clubs him in the back down to it again! Jackson stomps him a few times before picking him up and bouncing his head off the top turnbuckle! Jackson hits Hardy with some body shots to the kidneys and some kicks before Scott Armstrong, the referee, makes him back away. Big Zeke then hits a running knee to the ribs! Jackson sends Hardy into the ropes and locks him in a bear hug. Jackson holds it in for a while, working him all the way down to the mat! The Kendrick taunts him from the outside, pissing Hardy off enough to fight back up and elbow out only to get quickly clubbed down again! Jackson goes to bounce Hardy�s head off the top turnbuckle but Hardy blocks it, hits an elbow, and connects with Whisper in the Wind!! Jackson is against the ropes and Hardy clotheslines him over the top rope!!The Kendrick is yelling at Jackson on the outside so Hardy hits an over the top rope plancha on the two of them! Hardy high fives the fans before sending The Kendrick into the barricade! He�s blindsided by Jackson, who forearms him in the back and throws him in the ring. Jackson goes to enter and Hardy hits him with a dropkick! Hardy then wrecks him with a rough looking DDT! Hardy picks him up and hits the Twist of Fate before going to the top rope and finishing him of with the Swanton Bomb!!

Winner by Pinfall: Jeff Hardy

This was a O.K match. Definetly not to the standards if Jeff Hardy though. Pairing him with Ezekiel...I mean COME ON! This will conclude Smackdown as Hardy looks to the WrestleMania sign and motions to �bring it on!�

Match Rating: ******6/10

What s Final Thoughts:

Definitely the most boring Smackdown I�ve ever covered, no doubt. Man, remember the days when the Smackdown before WrestleMania was a really big deal? In 2001 we saw Steve Austin and The Rock come to blows, three days before WrestleMania! Ok, that�s one memory that I can remember, but at least up until now Smackdown was actually a complete show, mixed with wrestling and storyline wrap ups. Nothing this year � just some matches that really served no purpose in making anyone want to watch WrestleMania. They were just there. The rest was a lame look at WWE Fan Axxess and LONG video packages. No wonder WrestleMania is 4 hours long � they need an hour and a half just for the videos. So boring!Just to provide you with a journey into my mind so you can see how boring this Smackdown was, I was drinking an apple cider and wondering why I was drinking it since I thought it was a seasonal drink and this isn�t the season for it. I then wondered what it actually is and how it�s made � it�s really amazing! That�s what this Smackdown did for me and if I was a fan of Smackdown (and, believe me, I am) I would have turned it off. They could�ve used this Smackdown to make even more people want to order WrestleMania, and I�m sure it�ll help that, but (and call me crazy) I think people tune into wrestling for WRESTLING � not to be bombarded with advertisement after advertisement because they�re scared of the low buy rate this WrestleMania may produce. Dave Stephens� ECW had nothing on this bad boy.The saddest part is this is Tazz�s last Smackdown and he doesn�t even get to call a good one or any matches that have any meaning! His last match called was Jeff Hardy vs. Ezekiel Jackson. Ezekiel Jackson was in Tazz�s last match! Tazz is a tremendous commentator who really brings a great view to the program and I can�t wait for him to get his batteries recharged and get him back on TV! I�ll miss you Tazz! Have a good break! Now the only question is who will fill his spot?

Final Smackdown Rating: ****4/10

What�s WrestleMania Predictions!

WWE Champion Triple H vs. Randy Orton This has been a fantastic storyline! It is sad that it will potentially end but I have to go with my idol and say�Triple H will win and defeat Orton�and I think one of the McMahon�s will get involved and help HHH with the win.

World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. John Cena vs. Big Show (Triple Threat Match) I LOVED this storyline! Very much sort of real�like Jerry Springer and I am going to say that WEELLLLLL�It is the Big Show winning the championship!
Intercontinental Champion JBL vs. Rey Mysterio Rey �The 619� Mysertio will win. JBL would you retire already! Your saggy body makes me puke while watching you!

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy (Extreme Rules Match) This is my FAVORITE match of the night! I have been watching these two build their careers together and sometimes against each other. But anyway�I am going to be glued to this match. Only thing I don�t get is why a Extreme Rules Match?! Make it a Ladder where these two have made a living! Or TLC for that matter! I am going to go with Jeff Hardy winning�.then the brothers shaking hands at the end and making up. And maybe the next Tag Team Champions!

WWE Tag Team Champions vs. World Tag Team Champions (Unified Tag Team Championship Lumberjack Match) Least favorite match of the night�I am going to say Carlito & Primo winning it for my Smackdown!

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker Taker will win and continue the streak. I�d rather have HBK win but Taker will win just because�well�he is the Undertaker.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match FINLAY! Because he loves to fight! And Hornswaggle will get involved a lot and help him win it. GO FATHER AND SON IRISH TEAMS!

25 Diva Battle Royal I am actually looking forward to this match. I KNOW! What looking forward to a DIVA�s match. Well when you throw 25 of them in one ring�it gets very exciting. Really I am going out on a limb and I am going to say that it will come down to Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus vs. Lita! Then Lita will eliminate Beth Phoenix to leave it between the remaining three. Then Trish and Lita are going to try to work together to get Mickie out but something will go wrong eliminating one of them. Leaving it Mickie James vs. Trish or Lita. Then either Trish or Lita will win. But I am going to say Lita is going to win!

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