Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Future Of John Cena

Again,personalized bobblehead, I�m going to comment on a few things before I get started. First all,custom bobblehead, WWE is doing a great thing with tribute to the Troops. I think it cost them putting it on NBC on a Saturday Night instead of their normal slot,customize bobblehead, but that�s just me I guess.

I might have actually called the Batista thing right. Unfortionetly, he really is hurt and will be out why past Wrestlemania. However, this bit of news does help my story a bit in the long run. Keep reading to find out why.

Legacy may become one of the most dangerous Stables ever. I can�t wait to see how this develops! I know what should happen,custom bobblehead, and again, it helps my story out,Re-Mix Vintage Shoes, so I�ll get to it soon!

This JBL/Shawn Micheals thing will really be interesting to watch leading to Wrestlemania. And we all know that is exactly where it�s leading. What the stipulation will be, I�m not sure, but I expect these two to be facing off at Reliant stadium.

It�s week 2 and Jeff is still champ,personalized bobbleheads. You think they might go through with the Hardy/Hardy title run,,. I love how they make it subconsciously pleasing to us seeing both Hardy�s with titles (how often do they have titles at the same time?).

Well that�s it for the random thoughts, so on to my topic. I�m going to switch things up a bit and put my mind to work on individual wrestlers. As usual, I�ll give a little background then discuss what the company they are a part of should do with them. Some of them may be suprising, and some of you will claim I�m just another sheep following the heard�.

The first person I�m looking at, unfortunately will make me lose some fans. They will see the man�s name and leave me and my article forever. He is the most hated man in wrestling, while at the same time is one of the better faces around. Please join me as I discuss �The Champ� John Cena.

*hears the thousands of mice click his article out and sighs*

Well, I�m still going to discuss him. First,custom bobbleheads, a bit of a background, like we need it since the WWE constantly remind us of Cena�s �humble beginnings�. He is a 3 time US Champ, 2 time World Tag team Champion (though only to enhance feuds), 3 time WWE Champion, 1 time and current World Heavyweight Champion! What else can this man do?

Well,personalized bobblehead, for starters, he could disappear for a while. That�s right I said it, make him go away! Even when he was injured for 6 months, we heard about him being injured� until a month before his return when we were given his life story three times a week! Folks, I love Cena. I think he�s one of the better champions of the last few years, but he�s has been champion CONSTANTLY during the last few years, and has been in our face constantly! What should have been done was he comes back at Survivor Series against Batista,personalized bobble heads, the man who injured him. Cena then faces a couple of jobbers the next couple of weeks and goes for the Intercontinental Championship facing Santino and a couple of others before getting to Regal. But no, he come back after a busted disc� after having freakin� neck surgery � he comes back and faces Jericho for the title.


Ok�so we have two options right now with Cena and his title; get rid of it quick or have him hold it for the next few months. Which one? Well,Tips Before Buying A Carrom Board, that�s what you�re going to keep reading for >:)

Option 1) The Quick release. Have Randy Orton win the fatal four way match and take the title from Cena at the Royal Rumble , which will help the whole Legacy thing! Cena can�t challenge for the title because the winner of the Rumble challenges (though I think Smackdown or ECW should win). Cena gets placed in a #1 Contender�s match at Wrestlemania against either Mysterio or Kane (Kane being the more likely option). Kane wins, and Cena is again without a title. He finally �decides� to go for the IC title. Regal gives him a good fight, but Cena finally gets it from him. (This gives Regal the chance to go after the world title). Cena holds the IC for a while� beating CM Punk, Santino, and even has, but making them look real good in the process! Cean finally drops the title to the Legacy member not holding the World or Tag team Titles giving Legacy all the important titles. Cena has a small feud with legacy, but they are too strong for him. Cena then makes a claim for orton�s title. Batista returns and makes the claim that he want�s his title back, since that seems to be WWE�s favorite thing for him to say. It�s Cena/Batista II� at Summerslam! Winner is #1 Contender. Cena is better by three seconds this time. He goes on and wins the world title, even after beat downs and interference from Legacy! This begins legacy�s downfall, but that�s a different article ; ). Cena holds it a while� and he get an epic match at WM 26, maybe even an Elimination Chamber!

Option 2) The long reign. Make Cena unstoppable. I mean completely. No losses between now and� well you�ll see. Cena beats Orton at Royal Rumble, Jericho at NWO, the Rumble winner or #1 contender at WM 25, the winner of JBL/Michales at Backlash, and again at Night of Champions, Kozlov at ECW X treme Rules PPV. (he demanded challenge and was moved to RAW) and Rey Mysterio at GAB! Cena is on fire, not losing any match in between those mentioned until�.


Batista comes back for his title. Between GAB and Summerslam, we see Batista constantly cost Cena matches. Cena turns around and costs Batista a few. They get so wond up that they actually hate each other! Summerslam sees Batista/Cena II in an ironman match for the title. The match is an hour long, with near falls but neither score a point. Finally,Yankee Stadium Complete, with 12 seconds left, Cena hits the FU and gets the pin! I want this match to be the Match of the Decade contender, which is funny because most people would say I picked the two most boring wrestlers in the world right now to do it.

Yes,Buying A New Hyundai Santa Fe,custom bobbleheads, both options see Batista and Cena around Summerslam. WWE wants it so bad they can taste it (it tastes like money, apparently). I wouldn�t mind seeing it either to be honest!. We see the two most popular (or better pushed, depending on how you look at things) wrestlers in the world going at it, and in either scenario the stakes are high! I think either of these scenarios would work.

However,customized bobbleheads, I�m making one of the rivalries I mentioned sound ho hum. I think Cena vs Legacy would be great all around. It gives Randy the title or at least puts him in the title picture, and gives the new guys a chance to beat a multiple time World Champion,customize bobblehead, and if nothing else they can make a good show against him.

Well� I guess that�s all for this week. Hey, I actually made it through an article without going crazy! Maybe it�s because this article is a bit shorter than usual? Either way, it�s a good day : )

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