Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3 Exercises For Chest Size

A thick, rugged, cut chest is high on the list of most body builders, both professional and amateur. Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation out there when it comes to properly training the pectorals that chests like I just described are becoming rare these days.

The first key to building the chest you want is to select exercises that maximally stimulate the chest muscle fibres. The first movement that comes to mind for most bodybuilders when they think of pec exercises is the barbell bench press. But the bench press is not a great chest builder unless you happen to have the optimal leverage for it. On top of that, most people do the bench press incorrectly. If you are combining poor leverages and poor technique it's no surprise why you feel the bench more in your delts and triceps than in your chest!

Let's take a look at three of my favorite chest building exercises. It is important to keep in mind that if these are done with poor technique you are cutting your muscle growth short and may be setting yourself up for injury. To prevent this from occurring make sure to get some technique tips from an expert so that you can build the chest you want without getting injured.

Paused BB Bench Press
I know I just finished saying that the bench press is not the best chest builder, however there are particular variations that work the chest rather well, provided you perform them properly. The paused BB bench press is one possible variation. By pausing the bar on the chest for one to 5 seconds before pressing it back to lockout you kill the stretch reflex and lose any stored elastic energy you created during the eccentric. This makes pressing the weight back up much more difficult, but it will also force your pecs to create a massive amount of force in order to explode the weight from your chest back to the starting position.

Inclined Dumbbell Bench Presses
One of the common complaints of body builders is not just their overall chest size, but their upper chest mass in particular. Incline movements are a great solution to this because they emphasize the upper portion of the chest, which gives the appearance of a higher chest, without giving you a saggy looking chest. The use of dumbbells is a good addition here as they allow for a deeper stretch at the bottom of the exercise. This deep stretch activates a lot of underused motor units in the pecs which can jump start new muscle growth.

Standing Cable Crossovers
Even though variations of the bench press are all well and good, to really isolate on the pecs you need to work on the flying motion. This can be done with many different exercises, but I really prefer cable crossovers here because of the constant tension the pulley gives you throughout the complete exercise. The key here is to focus on getting a good stretch at the beginning and keeping tension on the pecs throughout the whole set. This is a great concluding exercise to any chest training session.

Keep in mind that while these exercises are great for building powerful pecs, they must be done with the right technique in order to get the most from them.

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